2 Seconds

It was blue not just the color it was like a deep blue sea, I saw myself swimming in it. The more I struggled to come out the deeper I went but it was peaceful. I could see a light in that dark shallow water, so dark that no light could penetrate it. The light was calling me (or so I thought it was) I tried to stop but I couldn’t I kept on going to the light with no certainty of whether or not i would be able to come back.

I kept swimming deeper and deeper but couldn’t catch hold of the light, it was as if I was fooled by my eyes tricked into thinking I can grab it. I wanted to talk to call out the light to feel the energy the warmth of the light in those cold waters.

But I was scared maybe it was for the good maybe not, I trembled with fear of loosing it. I did not want to be alone not again I was scared to die alone scared to die in remorse that I couldn’t be happy or I couldn’t find happiness. Life was a lie to me, a happy life would never fall in a pool with no ending. I was tired and yet I kept on following the light, it seemed there’s no end to it.

But I was happy, happy to know I’m here, happy to dream again, happy to feel again. I wanted to go deeper to see what is this feeling that I’m having, that sudden spark that gave me butterflies in my stomach, that unending feeling that I always wanted to share was flowing out.



Everything changed in a fraction of seconds my eyes were stuck on her, it was just a couple of seconds but in those seconds I knew I wanted to look at those eyes everyday to see those eyes smile to see them happy. I wanted to follow the spark that I felt deep inside me, wanted to treasure the light and protect it from the darkness.

I stood still not knowing what was going on, reliving that moment for time and time to come capturing that feeling to make myself feel good again. Thinking of ways to swim deeper into those eyes to get my answers. I stood still in those waters in the dark, breathing in the water was never easy and I wanted to be there. Taking deep breath’s, smiling and never wanting to go back. Everything flashed on me in those 2 seconds of time, I felt alive like never before I felt the energy flowing into me to save something I really want or to hold on to something I never really had.

This feeling was new to me and it was ecstatic to feel something so good.

It was different I love this new different.

Of all that going on I cannot believe I forgot to SMILE. Well it may be 2 seconds but it showed me my life the life that I want.

I want to hold on to these 2 seconds for the rest of my life.

Published by Jitu

Exploring my own secret life.

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